I don't really think you made this game with serious intentions, just because of its shortness and lack of depth, but this game really doesn't offer much at all. The introduction makes the game look nice, but it is more detailed than the game itself. After you get out of the introduction, the game becomes a constant, random race of "Let's keep a close eye on Magikarp to keep him happy!" Like hormone-filled teenagers, Magikarp suffers from spontaneous depression, seeing as he becomes sad very easily. The Punish Button serves no real purpose other than making Magikarp angry. Even when you do fill up his stats, he seems to be either sad or filled with contempt. One thing I would like to compliment you on, however, is the art. The simple shading is enjoyable and adds a nice touch to the game. You had an interesting idea here, but I doubt it will hold many people's attention for more than a couple minutes at most. Good luck on your next works! I hope your future projects turn out well.